10,000 Days of Sober Prison Sex with a Grudge

So, Tool. Let’s talk about Tool shall we. They dropped a single the other day. I like it. It’s very nostalgic for me. They also put all their stuff up to stream on the major streaming services (I use Spotify, thanks for asking). And that has been very, very nostalgic for me.

See, I was in what we in Canberra referred to as “college”, which was really the last two yeas of high school in the civilised world, when Ænima came out. And boy, did that album turn out to be the summer album of 1996 for me. My untrustworthy recollection of that time is that I only listened to that record, nothing else mattered, hell, I even accomplished a major life event listening to it.

Ænima was My Favourite Album when I went off to University. And then NIN released The Fragile and took the crown, with Lateralus making an honest attempt at usurping that role in 2001, though it never made it to the top spot. But when 10,000 Dayscame out, while I was still a NIN tragic, I had fallen down a future-pop hole and only listened to bands you are too embarrassed for me to mention, and it never took hold.

When I re-discovered my love for Tool and MJK (see Puscifer and A Perfect Circle for reference) in the early 2010s, I could still never really get into 10,000 Days. And I guess that’s why I haven’t enjoyed a live Tool since 2006.

Also, I once went to a Tool concert in a dope Beastie tee, Vans and 501s and no one noticed. My friends were very grateful of that fact.